King Edward the Martyr Family Tree & Biography (962-978)


King Edward the Martyr was a member of the House of Wessex. He was the son of King Edgar by his first wife Aethelflaed the Fair. Edward succeeded his father to the throne in 975 following the death of his father. However, his succession was contested by Edgar’s second wife, Aelfthryth who felt that her son, Aethelred should have been chosen as king.  


King Edward the Martyr Family Tree Image
King Edward the Martyr Family Tree in Table Form
King Martyr Short Biography


King Edward the Martyr Family Tree Image showing:

grandparents, parents and half-sibling

Edward the Martyr Family Tree


King Edward the Martyr Family Tree in Table Form showing:

grandparents, parents and half-sibling



Paternal Grandfather – King Edmund I – (921 – 946)

Paternal Grandmother – Aelfgifu of Shaftesbury – (d. 944)

Maternal GrandfatherEaldorman Ordmaer

Maternal Grandmother – Ealda 


Father – King Edgar – (943 – 975)

Mother – Aethelflaed the Fair – (d. c 964)


Edmund – (965 – 972)

King Aethelred (the Unready) – (966 – 1016)


Did not marry


No known children


No known grandchildren


King Edward the Martyr Short Biography

King Edward the Martyr Family Tree

Early Years

King Edward the Martyr was born in 963 the only son of King Edgar and Aethelflaed the Fair.

Edward’s mother died around 964 and a year later his father married Aelfthryth, daughter of the Ealdorman of Devon. Their first son Edmund was born in 965 but died at the age of 5 years. A second son Aethelred was born in 966.

Edward’s father and step-mother were crowned at Bath in 973. Some historians argue that because Aelfthryth was crowned her son Aethelred had higher status than Edward.

King of England

When Edward’s father died in 975 the succession was disputed between those that supported Edward and those that supported Aethelred. Edward had the support of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dunstan, and was crowned King in 976.

Edward bore no animosity towards his step-mother and half-brother, but Aelfthryth maintained the right of her son, Aethelred to be King and worked against Edward at every opportunity.


On 18th March 978, Edward decided to visit Aelfthryth and Aethelred at Corfe Castle. As he was visiting family he was only attended by a small retinue. When he arrived at the gates to the castle he was met by a group of Aelfthryth’s men. He was stabbed several times as he dismounted his horse, the horse bolted dragging Edward along the ground as he died.  Aethelred, who became known as the Unready was proclaimed King.


Published Apr 13 2021 @ 11:25 am – Updated – [last-modified]


Harvard Reference for King Edward the Martyr Family Tree:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2021 – 2024). King Edward the Martyr Family Tree (962-978). Available: Last accessed October 22nd, 2024