Katherine Parr Family Tree 1512-1548

Katherine Parr Family Tree

Katherine Parr Family Tree showing:

  • Thomas Parr
    1476 – 1517
    Maud Green
    1492 – 1531
    • William
      1513 – 1571
    • Anne
      1515 – 1552
    • 1.Edward
      1508 – 1533
      1493 – 1543
      1512 – 1548
      3.Henry VIII
      of England
      1491 – 1547
      1508 – 1549
      • Mary
        1548 – 1550



Short Biography

Katherine Parr was born in 1512 and died 5th September 1548. She was the daughter of Thomas Parr and Maud Green. She married Edward Burgh when she was 17 years old. After he died in 1533 she inherited his properties and became a wealthy woman. 

A year later she married John Neville, baron Latimer, who had two children by his first wife. After he died in 1543, Katherine had hoped to marry Thomas Seymour, younger brother of Jane Seymour. However, King Henry VIII had decided he wanted Katherine to become his sixth wife. She married Henry on 12th July 1543. 

Katherine was a committed Protestant and narrowly avoided being charged with heresy in 1545. The warrant for her arrest had been dropped. It was found by a member of Katherine’s household and she was able to convince Henry of her innocence. When the soldiers arrived to arrest her Henry dismissed them. After the event Katherine was careful not to keep forbidden books in her possession. 

After Henry VIII died, Katherine married Thomas Seymour. She soon became pregnant but died shortly after giving birth to her daughter, Mary.


Published Jun 18, 2020 @ 3:55 pm – Updated – Sep 21, 2022 @ 12:48 pm

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020). Katherine Parr 1512 – 1548. Available: https://www.treesofblue.com/katherine-parr-1512-1548. Last accessed July 27th, 2024