Matilda of Flanders c1032 – 1083

Matilda of Flanders

Family tree for Matilda of Flanders, showing:


Short Biography

Matilda of Flanders was a queen consort of England and the wife of William the Conqueror. She was born in 1031 in Flanders, which is now part of modern-day Belgium, and was the daughter of Count Baldwin V of Flanders and Adela of France.

Matilda was known for her beauty, intelligence, and piety. She was well-educated and was fluent in Latin, French, and English. In 1051, she married William, who was then the Duke of Normandy. They had ten children together, including William II, who succeeded his father as king of England.

After William conquered England in 1066, Matilda was crowned queen consort at Westminster Abbey. She was known for her charitable work and her support of the Church, and she founded several religious institutions, including the Abbey of the Holy Trinity in Caen.

Matilda was also involved in politics and played an important role in the administration of the Norman kingdom. When William was away on military campaigns, she acted as regent and managed the affairs of the kingdom.

Despite her accomplishments, Matilda’s life was not without difficulty. She had to contend with the many challenges of being a queen consort, including political intrigue and attempts to undermine her authority. She also suffered from ill health in her later years.

Matilda died on November 2, 1083, and was buried in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity in Caen. She is remembered as a powerful and influential queen consort who played an important role in the history of England and Normandy.


First published 2017; updated and republished March 6th 2023 @ 4:29 pm – Updated – Mar 6, 2023 @ 4:31 pm

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2023). Matilda of Flanders c1032 – 1083. Available: Last accessed July 27th, 2024