Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree & Biography (997-1067)

Gytha Thorkelsdottir was a member of the House of Knytlinga through birth and the House of Wessex through marriage. She was the wife of Earl Godwin of Wessex and mother of King Harold II (Godwinson) and mother-in-law of King Edward the Confessor.


Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree Image
Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree in Table Form
Gytha Thorkelsdottir Short Biography


Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree Image showing:

parent, siblings, husband, children and grandchildren

Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree


Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree in Table Form showing:

grandparents, parent, siblings, husband, children and grandchildren



Paternal Grandfather – Not known

Paternal Grandmother – Not known

Maternal GrandfatherNot known

Maternal Grandmother – Not known


Father – Thorgils Spragalegg – (dates unknown)

Mother – Not known


Earl Ulf – (d. 1026)

Eileifr – (fl. 1020)


Godwin, Earl of Wessex – (c1001 – 1053)


Sweyn, Earl of Hertfordshire – (1020 – 1052)

Harold Godwinson, King of England – (1022 – 1066)

Edith of Wessex – (1025 – 1075) – married King Edward the Confessor

Tostig, Earl of Northumbria – (1026 – 1066) – married Judith of Flanders

Gyrth, Earl of East Anglia – (c. 1030 – 1066)

Gunhilda – (c. 1035 – 1087)

Leofwine, Earl of Kent – (c. 1035 – 1066)

Wulfnoth – (1040 – 1094)

Alfgar – (dates not known)

Edgiva – (dates not known)

Elgiva – (d. 1066)


by Sweyn

Hakon – (dates not known)

by Harold and Edyth Swanneck

Godwin – (dates not known)

Edmund – (dates not known)

Magnus – (dates not known)

Gunhilda – (dates not known)

Gytha – (dates not known)

Ulf – (dates not known) – the mother of Ulf is disputed

by Harold and Ealdgyth

Harold – (dates not known) 

Ulf – (dates not known) – the mother of Ulf is disputed

by Tostig and Judith of Flanders

Skuli – (dates not known)

Ketil – (dates not known)


Gytha Thorkelsdottir Short Biography

Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree

Gytha Thorkelsdottir was born around 997, the daughter of the Danish Chieftan, Thorgil Spragalegg. The identity of her mother is not known. Gytha’s brother, Ulf, married the sister of Canute the Great and took part in Canute’s invasion of England. 

After Canute became King in 1016, Earl Godwin of Wessex swore allegiance and became one of Canute’s chief advisors. Gytha married Godwin of Wessex around 1020 and they had eleven children. After the death of Canute in 1035, Godwin switched his allegiance to firstly Harold Harefoot and then to Edward the Confessor.

In 1045 Gytha and Godwin’s daughter Edith married King Edward the Confessor but the couple had no children. The Godwin family fell out with the King in 1051 after Earl Godwin refused to punish the people of Dover for a brawl that broke out with the King’s kinsmen.  While the family were in exile it is believed that Edward the Confessor may have offered the English throne to William of Normandy.

Fearing civil war with the Godwin family, Edward made peace and the Godwins returned to England. Gytha’s eldest son, Sweyn, chose not to return. He embarked on a crusade and died. Earl Godwin died in 1053 and Gytha’s son, Harold became Earl of Wessex and close advisor to the King. In 1065 the people of Northumbria rebelled against the rule of Tostig Godwinson. Harold was forced to intervene and exiled his brother. Tostig swore revenge.

Edward the Confessor died in January 1066 without an heir and Harold took the throne as King Harold II. This action annoyed William Duke of Normandy, who argued that Edward the Confessor had promised him the throne. Harald Hardrada of Norway also believed he had a claim to the throne.

Hardrada invaded in early September 1066 supported by Harold’s disgruntled brother Tostig. Harold marched north and defeated the invaders at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Hardrada and Tostig were both killed.

William invaded on 28th September 1066 and fought Harold at the Battle of Hastings on October 14th 1066. Harold and his brothers, Gyrth and Leofwine, were both killed in the battle. Gytha and Harold’s children fled to Exeter where they mounted an unsuccessful resistance to William. Gytha disappears from the records after 1066 and it is believed she fled to the continent or died around 1067. 


Published Aug 28, 2024 @ 15:15 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2024). Gytha Thorkelsdottir Family Tree & Biography (997-1067). Available: Last accessed October 22nd, 2024