Ealdgyth of Mercia fl 1066

likeness unknown

Ealdgyth was the daughter of Aelfgar of Mercia. She was married to Gruffydd ap Llywelyn as part of a peace agreement. After his death she became the second wife of Harold Godwinson. After Harold’s death at the Battle of Hastings it is likely that she fled to the continent with her children by Harold.

Family tree for Ealdgyth of Mercia wife of Harold Godwinson showing:


Published Dec 09, 2017 @ 12:29 am – Updated – Nov 15, 2021 @ 11:07 pm

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2020). Ealdgyth of Mercia fl 1066. Available: https://www.treesofblue.com/ealdgyth-of-mercia. Last accessed July 12th, 2024