Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree & Biography d.852


Aethelstan of Kent was a member of the House of Wessex. He was the son of King Aethelwulf and the brother of King Alfred the Great. Although he was the eldest son, he died six years before his father in 852. 

Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree Image showing:

grandparents, parents and siblings

Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree


Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree in Table Form showing:

grandparents, parents and siblings



Grandfather – King Egbert – (770 – 839)

Grandmother – Not Known


Father – King Aethelwulf – (800 – 858)

Mother – Osburh of Wessex – (d. 854)


Aethelswith – (d. 838 – 888)

King Aethelbald – (d. 860)

King Aethelberht – (d. 836 – 865)

King Aethelred – (d. 847 – 871)

King Alfred the Great – (d. 849 – 899)


Did not marry


No Children


No Grandchildren


Aethelstan of Kent Short Biography

Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree

Aethelstan of Kent was the son of King Aethelwulf of Wessex and his second wife, Osburh. He was appointed as the sub-king of Kent in 839, following the death of his grandfather Egbert.

During his reign, Aethelstan of Kent faced threats from the Viking invasions that were plaguing much of England. He is known to have fought against Viking raiders in several battles and is believed to have been killed in battle in 851.

His death was a significant blow to Kentish independence, as the kingdom was subsequently absorbed into the expanding kingdom of Wessex under the rule of Aethelstan’s father, King Aethelwulf.


Published March 6th 2023 @ 9:53 pm – Updated – May 28, 2024 @ 4:49 pm

Harvard Reference for Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2023 – 2024). Aethelstan of Kent Family Tree & Biography d. 852. Available: Last accessed July 13th, 2024