Uhtred the Bold Family Tree (c971-1016)

 Uhtred the Bold of Northumbria Family Tree


Uhtred the Bold Family Tree showing:


Short Biography

Uhtred the Bold was born around 970, the won of Waltheof of Bamburgh. He married for the first time in 995. Ecgfrida was the daughter of Bishop Aldhun and their son Eadred was born around 997. A second son, Eawulf was born two years later.

In 1006 Malcolm II of Scotland invaded and lay siege to Durham. Uhtred raised a force and marched to break the siege. His defeat of the Scottish King led to King Aethelred naming him Ealdorman of Bamburgh, over his father who was still alive at the time. The following year he was made Ealdorman of York.

As Ealdorman of York he set aside his first wife and married Sige, the daughter of Styr, one of the richest men in York. Their son Eadulf was born around 1008 and a second son Gospatric was born the following year.

After Sweyn Forkbeard made himself King of England in 1013, Uhtred was forced to submit to the Dane. Sweyn died in February 1014 and asked that his son, Canute succeed to the English throne. The Ealdormen of England, known collectively as The Witan, met and decided to reject Canute’s claim and call for King Aethelred to return as King.

When Aethelred returned, Uhtred swore allegiance to him. He divorced his second wife and married Aethelred’s daughter, Aelfgifu. They had a daughter, Ealdgyth. Aethelred died in 1016 and was succeeded by his son Edmund Ironside. However, Canute had raised a large force and was challenging for the Crown. Uhtred fought with Edmund Ironside against Canute.

After Edmund died in November 1016, Canute became King. He saw Uhtred, a powerful Ealdorman, as a threat. He summoned Uhtred to a meeting and along the way, Uhtred was ambushed and murdered by Canute’s man, Thurbrand.


Published Jan 16, 2020 @ 4:25 pm – Updated – Apr 5, 2024 @ 3:26 pm

Harvard Reference for Uhtred the Bold of Northumbria Family Tree:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – ). Uhtred the Bold of Northumbria Family Tree c971-1016. Available: https://www.treesofblue.com/uhtred-the-bold-of-northumbria-d-1016. Last accessed July 17th, 2024