Margaret of Huntingdon 1145 – 1201

likeness unknown

Margaret was born in 1145 and died in 1201. The exact dates of her birth and death are not known. She was the daughter of Henry of Scotland and Ada de Warenne. She married firstly Conan of Brittany, secondly Humphrey de Bohun and thirdly Sir William FitzPatrick de Hertburn and had seven children. 

 Family tree for Margaret of Huntingdon showing:


Published Feb 17, 2018 @ 1:09 pm – Updated – Nov 15, 2021 @ 11:04 pm

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2018 – 2020). Margaret of Huntingdon 1145 – 1201. Available: Last accessed July 24th, 2024