William IX of Poitiers 1153 – 1156

William of Poitiers

William was born 17th August 1153 and died in April 1156. He was the eldest son of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Despite his young age he was made ruler of Poitiers by his mother. 

 Family tree for William of Poitiers, son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine showing:


Published Mar 18, 2018 @ 10:47 am – Updated – Nov 15, 2021 @ 11:04 pm

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2018 – 2020). William IX of Poitiers 1153 – 1156. Available: https://www.treesofblue.com/william-of-poitiers-1153-1156. Last accessed July 14th, 2024